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12200 Fairhill Road, Floor A3
Fairhill Partners Collaborative Campus
Cleveland, OH 44120

Our First Birthmother's Day Ceremony

Our First Birthmother’s Day Ceremony
By Dawn Colson, Taylor and Paul Adamczak

Reflection by Dawn, Birthmother
I discovered Adoption Network Cleveland’s Birthmother’s Day Ceremony this year by chance. I bookmarked the website and kept coming back to it, trying to decide if I would or would not attend. I admit that the Birthmother’s Day Ceremony scared me. I have had a constant fear of celebrating Mother’s Day as a birthmom.

For me, the ceremony spoke the words of my heart, and what my voice could not. Our stories are as unique as the lives we live. We came together with one commonality. I left knowing there are other birthmothers out there. Moms who felt the same pain, cried the same tears, and who know what that alone feels like. I am glad I chose to come and celebrate Birthmother’s Day. Even more, I am fortunate that I was able to share this celebration with my family, my daughter, and her adoptive dad.

Reflection by Taylor - Adoptee
On July 21, 2016, at age 18, I met my birthmother, Dawn. I had always known I was adopted and the situation that made it so. As I grew older, I tried to imagine what it must have felt like for her to give me to my parents. I thought I had some sort of understanding of the pain she felt, but the Birthmother’s Day Ceremony showed me I was so wrong.

The poem “I Felt You First” hit the hardest due to its descriptive story of giving away your child. I’ve been nothing less than blessed with the family I have, but also to have such a wonderful relationship with Dawn. I will definitely attend next year and years after because I never want to minimize or lessen the sacrifice Dawn made. I’m so thankful for this wonderful experience and to be able to share it with my adoptive father and my birthmother.

Reflection by Paul, Adoptive Father
I am an appreciative adoptive father of a wonderful 19-year-old young woman, Taylor. My daughter and her birthmother, Dawn, were just reunited last summer after 18 years apart. Honestly, it was an amazing honor to be at the Birthmother’s Day Ceremony and hear the heartfelt stories from the women and to experience it with Taylor and Dawn. Knowing that Taylor and Dawn are part of a special group of people, and that they have been able to reunite, puts me in tears of happiness for both of them.