Ambiguous Loss and Disenfranchised Grief: Processing the complexities of experience in the adoption constellation

Participants will have a safe space to learn, share, and process our personal experiences of loss and grief in the context of our adoption stories. Using Betty Jean Lifton's concept of the "ghost kingdom," we will explore the "might have been" that is inherent to adoption for all members of the constellation.
About Dawn Friedman MSEd
Dawn is a therapist in private practice, an adoptive parent in an open adoption, and a member of an extended birth family in reunion. Dawn's writing on adoption has appeared in numerous publications including Adoptive Families,, Brain Child Magazine, and Huffington Post. She has presented on adoption for Psych Central's Inside Mental Health podcast as well as Dawn Davenport's Creating a Family and was a consultant on This American Life on an episode about open adoption. You can learn more about her at