This Is Us - A facilitated discussion

NBC's hit show "This is Us" has gained a following in the adoption community. Over the last several years, the show has highlighted issues of family separation, adoptive and foster families, race, birthparents, closed versus open adoption, the complexities of search and reunion, the lifelong impact of adoption, and so many more. There have been smiles, there have been tears, there has been connection. Adoption Network Cleveland invites you to join us for a group discussion on this timely and poignant show.
Everyone is invited to attend and share their perspective. No need to have attended previous discussions!
The discussion will be facilitated by Barbara Robertson, LMSW and Ohio-born, New York adoptee, and Krysia Orlowski, writer, professor, and transracial adoptive parent.
The meeting will be virtual using Zoom video conferencing. Pre-registration is required. Please note that all times are Eastern Time zone. Please join us!